Interactive Dashboard Reporting Tool For PIPs Rewards

for PIPs Rewards

PIPs Rewards partners with institutions to provide a platform that rewards users for performing environmentally conscious actions across campus. They needed a way to report the platforms KPI’s to executive stakeholders on a regualr basis without having to generate reports by hand each quarter. This interactive analytics dashboard was designed and developed to address that problem. The dashboard utilizes custom D3.js visualizations built to dynamically update with new data from the platform’s backend.

All of the text is dynamic, allowing PIPs to generate data sets for each of it’s partners and have their information filled out appropriately. The web app was designed to function both as an interactive web page and as a static printout. The color scheme and design were based off PIPs’ brand guidelines and were usability tested for color-blind users.

The Total Users page uses a stacked area chart to display the rate of platform growth over time. Users can hover over the time intervals to see detailed information about that reporting period.

For Earn Activity we wanted to convey what actions were being recorded on the platform and how many points were being earned for each action. This custom sunburst chart allows stakeholders to drill down into sub-categories and interactively see how the two statistics relate. 

A treemap was used to visualize Point Use Activity. Hovering over a section in either treemap would highlight the corresponding section in the legend and the adjacent treemap, showing the differences in point value in relation to actions taken. 

The Environment Impact section utilized a similar layout to the Earn Activity section with connected pie charts, a legend and dynamic headers that display detailed values of the selected sections. 

The remainder of the sections only held single data points for each category. These were presented as header blocks that would reflect the most current data.